How to manage multiple Blogs sites

If you are owner of a blog and planning to start multiple blogs – and reading this article for how manage multiple blogs – chances are your level of enthusiasm is quite high at the moment. You are focusing on advantages that will be gain by running more than one blog especially in terms of: exposure, credibility, recognition, and increased revenue / earn more money online. And that’s right thing.

This article will help you to give knowledge about effectively manage multiple blogs without burning out. Here are Best 8 tips to help you manage multiple blogs sites without sacrificing your social and friendly life: -

1.   Always Be Realistic to manage multiple blogs: -

Don’t spread yourself too thin. Do your best to make a reasonable assessment of the number of blogs you’ll realistically be able to handle. This will include considering the following factors:

·        The amount of time you have available for blogging.
·        your writing style and speed
·        How long you honestly expect it to take you to update each blog (hint: it will almost always take longer than you think).

It’s usually a good idea to start small. Begin with one blog and add a second one only after you’ve developed a good rhythm with the first. You’ll then be able to continue adding one blog at a time as you feel able to handle the extra work.

2.   Select the Right Blog Topics: -

Selecting topics that are your choice of interest and expertise makes your job easier. For example in my case, I am tech enthusiasm  moreover the time I love  to gain tech news and related events on internet so, I started my blogs with tech-news, tips and tricks and blogging, online money making ideas.

However, and many bloggers enjoy the change of pace of writing about other topics that interest them. Writing about topics you know well can also save a great deal of time that you would otherwise spend researching and attempting to grasp unfamiliar subjects.

3.   Make a List of Post Topics: -

You should keep thing about future posts and especially you should keep in mind your audience interested.  Try new approaches to keep it fresh for both yourself and your readers, planning a variety of post types to suit the occasion, as well as your mood. Whenever an idea strikes you, write it down. The more items on your list, the easier it will be to select one you’ll feel motivated and inspired to write about when the time comes to write your next post.

4.   Fix Posting schedule of your each blog: -

Determine your desired posting frequency for each blog, and develop a posting schedule based on it. Add it to your blogging calendar to create a visual reminder of your plan. Then, create a writing schedule that will allow you to complete the required posts with enough time to spare to keep your stress levels manageable. Take regular breaks to stretch, breathe, relax, and de-stress, and plan time off for rest and recreation. 

5.   Benefit of Spurts of Creativity: -

Keep your Niche related topics specific, don’t get start writing apart from your niche. When you’re feeling particularly inspired and writing seems almost effortless, make the most of that enthusiasm by turning it into an opportunity to write an extra post or two. That will help you get ahead of the game, providing a few extra posts to tide you over when you need them to manage multiple blogs.


6.   Use Guest Bloggers for your blog network: -

Many bloggers in your niche would welcome the opportunity to write a post for your blog – and do it for free – in return for a little exposure, a link to their own blog, and also you can offer AdSense revenue sharing. Take advantage of new guest blogger pool of eager helpers to take some of the pressure off.

7.   Hire Blog Editors whenever required: -

Now a day’s Many Blog editors are willing to work for a reasonable fee, and once your blogs have become established and your monetization has begun to pay off, you’ll be able to hire a Blog Editor or supportive staff to manage your multiple blogs. Also when needed without taking money out of your own pocket.

8.   Make Collaboration with a Co-Blogger On Board: -

Explore the possibility of working with a regular co-blogger, who can share some of the responsibility for keeping your blogs updated. You will likely have to pay this individual though you may be able to offer a percentage of your Google AdSense ad revenues or barter a service you provide (e.g. editing his/her blog).

So, these are some of suggestions that will help you to effectively manage multiple blogs.

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